How To Use the Moroccan Hammam
How To Use the Moroccan Hammam
Maybe you’ve heard of it, and maybe not. The Moroccan hammam is one of the most widely loved
and yet puzzling experiences for people who have never visited or Morocco nor had the opportunity
to try a hammam. Many “must do in Morocco” lists include take a hammam but just what does that
mean and why is it such a revered tradition?
It’s hard to imagine but not so long ago it was very uncommon for people to have their own showeror bath in their homes. I can remember my grandparents telling stories about taking a bath in a metal
tub once a week. Water, and especially hot water was a precious commodity before the era of hot
water heaters. In Morocco a practical solution was created to get around this difficulty. The hammam.
Today you’ll find a wide range of hammams in Moroccan cities. The most traditional variety are
found in neighborhoods everywhere. You also will find luxury hammams in major cities. A third
variety are a step up from traditional hammams but more affordable than luxury style. Depending on
which you will visit, your experience will vary.
Visiting a Luxury Hammam
If you opt for a more upscale hammam your experience will be similar to that of a spa. While each isslightly different you’ll be asked to undress (leave on your underwear), and given a robe. You’ll be
escorted to a warm/hot room and asked to sit and relax. Next, savon beldi is used and rubbed all over
then rinsed off. Now comes the interesting part. Using a kess, an exfoliated hand mit, a woman will
scrub your entire body. Yes, it may feel rough but this is what removes the dead skin. If it’s too hard,
let her know! Bshwiya means slow down or soften up. You may be asked to turn over, move around
or lay down. Once she’s satisfied then she’ll either continue bathing you by washing off with your
soap, and shampooing and rinsing your hair as well or she’ll leave you to do this alone. The entire
process takes 30-45 minutes.
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